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Sunday in Mendoza

The featured image is of a mate (pronounced mah tay) gourd. Drinking mate is an indigenous ceremonial practice among friends  to promote conviviality, similar to passing a peace pipe or marijuana. Mate comes with its own paraphernalia: yerba mate, a strong herbal tea loaded with caffeine, the gourd, a bombilla (straw) that is made of metal and…

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The Oasis of Mendoza

Mendoza is not a flat out desert, but it is first cousin to one. Nestled at the foot of the Andes, Mendoza is arid and subject to earthquakes.  The entire city was destroyed  in 1861.  Yesterday I took a walking tour of the New City, which is designed to minimize  earthquake damage to people and property. Arches are a central feature in most structures as a place to seek shelter during a quake. So how can this desert city that has little rainfall support lush greenery? IMG_3091 Pebble lined canals flank the streets where enormous trees are planted.  The water comes from snow run off from the city's close neighbor: the Andes mountains. My tour guide said the last winter was not cold enough to produce the needed  snow melt and that the city was very worried. Not only do trees line the streets, but there are five city parks, in a relatively small central business district, that are beautifully planted.  My favorite of the parks is Plaza Espana, which celebrates Argentina's relationship with Spain.  The sidewalks and benches are decorated in Spanish tiles:

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Last Day In BA

The weather  in Buenos Aires was perfect todsy:  80 degrees and sunny wirh no humidity. I have had weird banking issues I will not bore you with but my day was dominated by getting my money situation resolved.  I had to stay in the neighborhood since I could not get cash to go anywhere.  But…

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How many years has it been, decades probably, that I would have shown up for a free, three hour city walking tour, wearing high heeled shoes.  It was a gorgeous, 84 degree low humidity day here in Buenos Aires and the woman lasted the entire trip. Some of the older folks tired out, or got…

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